How to Maintain your Sewing Machine Properly

Sewing Machine

Do you have a passion for stitching fabrics of different patterns and designs? Are you fed up with manually sewing the necessary items? One of the best ways at your disposal is buying a sewing machine. But, some of you already might have the product and have been using the same for years. How do you feel when suddenly the most useful device stops functioning? I am sure you become too annoyed and helpless. 

Keeping the sewing machine under maintenance for years can bring trouble in operation. Now, you must be willing to have an answer on, What is the best way to maintain your sewing machine? There are many ways, and the answer will depend on what type of sewing machine you have. For instance, if you have a computerized embroidery machine, it needs special care because it has damaged software. Here you can look at some helpful tips for taking care of your sewing machines so that they last a long time!

Explore the key parts of maintenance

Before going with the maintenance process, it is essential to go through the key parts where the changes are required. Also, each sewing machine model is different; as a result, the procedure of cleaning or uploading will be different. Whether it is removing dirt debris or simply removing fabric fibers from the machine, each task is equally important to keep the sewing machine well maintained. Some of the areas where you need focus are:

  • Under needle plate
  • Feed dog
  • Needle shaft
  • Light surface cleaning
  • bobbin/hook area

Top ways to take care and maintain your sewing machine

1.Cover the sewing machine when you are not using

The first thing right here in order to take care of your sewing machines is to cover it up as soon as you have finished with it and move on to working on another project. This will keep dust from accumulating, prevent overspray or paint residue from getting inside the machine and help avoid any accidents that can happen if a pet gets too close while playing near where you’re constructing a project!

If there’s an extension cord around – use that so if someone trips over it, they won’t pull out your power supply with them. It’s also good for pets who love chewing cords! And lastly, always disconnect (not just turn off) your sewing machine before unplugging; if you are looking for the best sewing machine for beginners, don’t forget to maintain the product after making the purchase.

2. Replace the old needle of the sewing machine with the new one

It may seem that it is unnecessary to replace the old needles, but you will often find many times when changing your needle can help solve some of the problems with your stitching or make them less noticeable. The best time to change a hand would be after every six hours of use. If you are on an intensive project, such as quilting, where you might stitch for up to 18 hours, then do so at least once during this period–at about nine hours into your workday. When in doubt–change!

3. Regular oiling and lubricating the sewing machine

The regular oiling of the sewing machine keeps it well maintained. It is recommended to oil every time after sewing or using, and once a month for those who sew more often than other people. Extra care should be taken when an old model with lots of parts that are difficult to move is used as these models may have less space between them, making them harder to reach without breaking anything else in the area around the needle bar.

4. Cleaning one part at a time

Cleaning the sewing machine one part at a time fixes the maintenance needs. The first thing you do to clean your sewing machine removes all lint and hair from it, including removing the footer plate or screwing in an accessory that covers it using a brush, vacuum cleaner with brush attachment (or use compressed air) or even hands as long as not too large for spaces. Larger objects can be covered with plastic wrap to protect them from getting wet, which will cause rust. One way of coping up with this issue is by making sure when finished each day you return any loose items such as pins back into their container so they won’t scatter about on the tabletop, causing more work later.

5. Seek authorized technician for maintenance

The authorized technician will have the knowledge and expertise to maintain, repair or replace your machine. Setting up a schedule with these technicians can help save you money in the long run as they’ll know when your machine needs an oil change or other maintenance that’s needed before it becomes more expensive.

They are experienced and have an authorized certificate of getting the training on machine maintenance. Never use solvents on fabric because they can dissolve the stitches. Only the experts have the right knowledge of using the materials that help in keeping your sewing machine well maintained.

6. Avail annual servicing of the machine

Annual servicing of the sewing machine is essential. This is especially true for older devices, as they can suffer from wear and tear. When first starting up, don’t sew continuously without giving the sewing machine time to cool down to avoid overworking the motor. Don’t let pets near your device either – dogs can knock things around while cats might like the warmth of its engines! It is always necessary to take an AMC for your sewing machine as it requires regular maintenance. 


If you are thinking of cleaning or maintaining your sewing machine, the first thing that you must do is read the user manual thoroughly. The manual will provide you with a step-by-step guide on cleaning the machine and any specific instructions that need to be followed for your particular device. The most important thing is not to use solvents or harsh detergents when cleaning your sewing machines as they can damage sensitive parts of its mechanism, such as gears and bearings. The expert cleaners can help you get proper maintenance of the sewing machine. Also, the above procedure of cleaning can keep your sewing machine in good shape.